Looking for the perfect flowers to plant this Summer? It can be difficult to know what to plant in the summertime. Some plants are unable to withstand much heat, yet others thrive in warm weather. Potentilla, astilbe, and a number of other plants love summer’s warmth, making them the perfect addition to your summer garden!
Potentilla is a durable plant that blooms for the entire summer. Although potentilla is often yellow, it’s available in a variety of colors. Related to the rose, this plant is perfect for adding a bright splash of color to your yard.
Astilbe produces stunning, feathery blooms. It is also available in many colors, including white, apricot, and lavender. Astible is very easy to grow, thus making it a great choice for any summer garden!
Cornelian cherry is part of the dogwood family, and it thrives during the summertime. While the plant is attractive to look at, it also produces small, edible, red fruit! Cornelian cherry does best in full sun, and it works well as a hedge. Sweetshrub also enjoys the full sun, and its flowers are white, yellow-green, or red. While sweetshrub can be used as a hedge, it is great for cut flowers. Its blooms smell wonderful!
Smokebush is another plant that provides a lovely pop of color, as its leaves are often green or purple. This plant works well as a small tree or shrub.
Coneflowers also flourish during the summertime. They bloom in numerous colors, including purple and white.
Another cheerful option for your summer garden is Coreopsis ‘Full Moon.’ Its big yellow flowers attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies.
Yarrow also attracts butterflies. Yarrow is available in a variety of colors, including white and pink, and it grows well in full sun.
With many colorful plants thriving in the summertime, your garden can look more beautiful than ever before!
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